

The school’s approach to the curriculum reflects that of the NCERT & H.P. Board. English, Mathematics, Science and EVS form the main part of the curriculum – these are known as the core subjects.

The children also learn Art, Music, Computer, Physical Education, these are known as the foundation subjects.

Religious Education is also part of the school curriculum. A Morning Prayer in Hindi and English everyday reinforces the Love for God.

The teachers plan the topic themes in detail to ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is offered to the children throughout their growing up years. We aim to ensure continuity and progression between classes.


FA-1, FA-2, SA-1 for Half Term

Each half-term, information is shared with parents at a Parent Teacher Meeting to inform them  about some of the things that the children have learnt.

We also send home an ‘Information Sheet’ to give parents more details on the work the children will be doing and some specific ideas on how to help children at home. The children’s knowledge and skills are developed through activity-based tasks, many of which are practical in nature.

The children are taught in a variety of ways – individually, in small groups and as a whole class. The children’s class work is supported by local visits and organized outings, as well as arranging theatre groups, musicians, dancers and storytellers to visit the school.

Records are kept on all children to monitor their progress and achievements. Regular assessments are made to help the class teachers to identify the needs of the children and to plan for future needs. A written report is sent to parents at the end of each school year to give them a clear picture of the child’s achievements and also areas for improvement.


FA-1 1st week of April
FA-2 2nd week of May
SA-1 Last week of June
FA-3 3rd week of August
FA- 4 3rd week of October
SA-2 1st week of December